本篇文章主要介绍使用RT-Thread Studio 和瑞萨 CPK-RA2L1评估板,使用大佬的轮子采集温湿度
CPK-RA2L1评估板, 这个板子的芯片型号是 R7FA2L1AB2DFM,DHT11 温湿度传感器。

1、总线空闲状态为高电平,主机把总线拉低等待DHT11响应,主机把总线拉低必须大于18毫秒,保证DHT11能检测到起始信号。DHT11接收到主机的开始信号后,等待主机开始信号结束,然后发送80us低电平响应信号.主机发送开始信号结束后,延时等待20-40us后, 读取DHT11的响应信号,主机发送开始信号后,可以切换到输入模式,或者输出高电平均可, 总线由上拉电阻拉高。




int split_int(const int num, int *integer, int *decimal, const rt_uint32_t times)
int flag = 0;
if (num < 0) flag = 1;
int anum = num<0 ? -num : num;
integer = anum / times;
decimal = anum % times;
return flag;
This function will convert temperature in degree Celsius to Kelvin.@param c the temperature indicated by degree Celsius@return the result
float convert_c2k(float c)
return c + 273.15;
/ *This function will convert temperature in degree Celsius to Fahrenheit.@param c the temperature indicated by degree Celsius@return the result
float convert_c2f(float c)
return c * 1.8 + 32;
/ *This function will convert temperature in degree Fahrenheit to Celsius.@param f the temperature indicated by degree Fahrenheit@return the result
float convert_f2c(float f)
return (f - 32) * 0.55555;
/ *This function will read a bit from sensor.@param pin the pin of Dout@return the bit value
static uint8_t dht_read_bit(const rt_base_t pin)
uint8_t retry = 0;
while(rt_pin_read(pin) && retry < DHTxx_REPLY_TIME)
retry = 0;
while(!rt_pin_read(pin) && retry < DHTxx_REPLY_TIME)
return rt_pin_read(pin);
/ *This function will read a byte from sensor.@param pin the pin of Dout@return the byte
static uint8_t dht_read_byte(const rt_base_t pin)
uint8_t i, byte = 0;
for(i=0; i<8; i++)
byte <<= 1;
byte |= dht_read_bit(pin);
return byte;
for(i=0; i {
sum += dev->data[i];
if(sum != dev->data[4]) return RT_FALSE;
return RT_TRUE;
rt_err_t dht_init(struct dht_device dev, const rt_base_t pin)
if(dev == NULL)
return -RT_ERROR;
dev->type = DHT_TYPE;
dev->pin = pin;
rt_memset(dev->data, 0, DHT_DATA_SIZE);
rt_pin_mode(dev->pin, PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP);
return RT_EOK;
// 1、初始化类型
dht_device_t dht_create(const rt_base_t pin)
dht_device_t dev;
dev = rt_calloc(1, sizeof(struct dht_device));
if (dev == RT_NULL)
LOG_E("Can't allocate memory for dhtxx device");
return RT_NULL;
dev->type = DHT_TYPE;
dev->pin = pin;
rt_memset(dev->data, 0, DHT_DATA_SIZE);
rt_pin_mode(dev->pin, PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP);
return dev;
void dht_delete(dht_device_t dev)
if (dev)
Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development TeamSPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Change Logs:
Date Author Notes
2023-03-01 DYC the first version
#ifndef SRC_DHT11_H_
#define SRC_DHT11_H_
#define DHTLIB_VERSION "0.9.0"
#define DHT_DATA_SIZE 5
/ sensor model type */
#define DHT11 0
#define DHT_TYPE DHT11
struct dht_device
rt_base_t pin;
rt_uint8_t type;
rt_uint8_t data[DHT_DATA_SIZE];
rt_mutex_t lock;
typedef struct dht_device *dht_device_t;
dht_device_t dht_create(const rt_base_t pin);
void dht_delete(dht_device_t dev);
rt_err_t dht_init(struct dht_device *dev, const rt_base_t pin);
rt_bool_t dht_read(dht_device_t dev);
rt_int32_t dht_get_humidity(dht_device_t dev);
rt_int32_t dht_get_temperature(dht_device_t dev);
float convert_c2k(float c);//将摄氏温度转为开氏温度
float convert_c2f(float c);//将摄氏温度转为华氏温度
float convert_f2c(float f);//将华氏温度转为摄氏温度
rt_int32_t split_int(const rt_int32_t num, rt_int32_t *integer,
rt_int32_t *decimal, const rt_uint32_t times);
rt_err_t rt_hw_dht_init(const char *name, struct rt_sensor_config cfg);
#endif / SRC_DHT11_H_ */
这里DHT11 使用的是 GPIO 0208,所以需要把这个引脚配置为输入模式
